American Institute of Architects stipulated sum contractELSEVIERConstruction Process Planning and Management
Define Stipulated Price. means a single, all inclusive, one price that applies to all of the Work. “Successful Bidder” means the bidder to whom the City has awarded the Contract.
a10.4. In the event of the Buyer being unable to fulfill payments at the time stipulated in Appendix No.4 of the present Contract, the Buyer is to pay penalty at the rate of 0,5% for each day of delay, but not more than five per cent (5%) from the payment sum 10.4. 在买家情形...
Total Enterprise Value means the sum of: (i) the product of (A) the Equity Securities Value Per Share of a share of Common Stock not subject to vesting or other restrictions multiplied by (B) the number of outstanding shares of Common Stock, less (y) the number of outstanding shares of...