The Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme was launched in 2013 by the Hungarian Government as part of the government policy called “Eastern and Southern Opening”. The scholarship program is managed by Tempus Public Foundation. Looking for fully-funded opportunities, install the Youth Opportunities...
October 10th, 2024 Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Nandin-Erdene, a gap year student from Mongolia with a passion for the medical field. To further my medical knowledge, I intend to pursue a bachelor's degree with the support of the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme. My interest in the...
The Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programmewas established by the Hungarian Government to promote the internationalisation of the Hungarian higher education and to attract top foreign students from all around the world who can establish personal and professional attachments to Hungary while enjoying hig...
The Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship 2024 is more than just a financial aid program; it is an invitation to embark on an academic adventure, immerse oneself in a new culture, and forge lifelong connections. Through this scholarship, scholars gain access to world-class education, expand their horiz...
两个申请材料同时准备,材料大致相同,大部份材料需要同时提交到中方和匈方申请网站。 匈牙利互换奖学金时间线流程表 中国国家留学基金委报名申请 奖学金简介 Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship(下文简称SHS)是这个奖学金真正的全称。这个奖学金是匈牙利政府针对全世界有志在匈牙利高等教育机构学习的申请者设立的。可以申请...
Hello, I would like some input in my motivational letter. The main focus is to answer "Why are you a suitable candidate" and along with other points and criteria that can help answer my question: Why have you chosen to apply to this programme?