2Toms StinkFree Shoe and Gear Odor Remover is guaranteed to remove (not mask) odors caused by sweat left in your shoes, boots, gear, gym bags, pads/guards, gloves, lockers, etc. Our advanced formula cleans the pores that trap the odor in shoes and gear. The Odor Eliminator Removes Odor...
Porous surfaces and the inside of footwear should be applied withanti fungal shoe sprayto help kill fungus that may cause athletes foot which can cause odor too. If you dont’ want to soak your shoes use a spray such as Lysol Antibacterial Kitchen Cleaner instead. You could use an antiseptic...
5. Keep them clean:if your shoes are made of canvas, cotton or other synthetic, washable material, a gentle cycle in the washer will keep them clean. In between washes and for leather and suede, try an anti-microbial spray. Letting them bake in the hot summer sun (without your feet in...