Stillmatic is the fifth studio album by American rapper Nas, released on December 18, 2001, by Ill Will and Columbia Records. In contrast to his previous work's gangsta rap themes, the album contains socially conscious and philosophical themes similar to that of his 1994 debut Illmatic. 曲目·...
As Nas whispers at the end, “All I need is one mic – fuck the cars, the jewelry” you know that the rapper we all once called Nasty Nas has truly returned. And if you want to hear him get even nastier than that, check out his response to Jay-Z on the hilariously ill “Ether...
Nas Top 10 Verses The top 10 verses by the greatest rapper of all time, Nas. If you haven’t already check out my channel for his top 35 songs. This was a tough list to make…there are a lot of other verses that deserve a spot on the list Honorable mentions Project Windows- 3rd ...
Stillmatic Rapper. Point Guard. XMN. U of Rochester关注 11 人赞同了该回答 刚刚听完这首歌 也听了AR的皇帝的新衣 趁着感觉还热乎 来分享一下自己的感受吧 首先结论 从效果来看我认为这是一个55开的结局 双方都没把对方击倒或者干到无话可说 但是两首diss都让双方的粉丝趾高气昂 觉得自己赢了 从我的角...
Stillmatic is the fifth studio album by American rapper Nas, released on December 18, 2001, by Ill Will and Columbia Records. In contrast to his previous work's gangsta rap themes, the album contains socially conscious and philosophical themes similar to that of his 1994 debut Illmatic. 曲目·...