stillborn•Sadly, thebabywasstillborn.•I was not up tosharinglife with a manpreoccupied,behindwhose dead eyes I coulddetecthopestillborn.•They had oneson, who wasstillborn.•A neighbor,W.H. Tonn, had severalcattledieor givebirthtostillborncalvesafter theexplosion.•Itsstomachgaped, and ...
S2E6 It is revealed towards the end of the episode that a baby is stillborn following placental abruption. You see the mother grieve and it’s pretty heartbreaking. You do not see the stillborn infant, he is covered by blankets.Also, I feel like I should mention that the mother, while...
In Australia, a babyis defined asstillborn when it dies in the womb from 20 weeks' gestation, or weighs more than 400 grams. Other countries have slightly different definitions. About 2,200babies are stillborn each year here meaning stillbirth may be more common than many people think. And p...