We would have had an easier approach if we had relied on our innate mountain sense right from the start. Not that hard. We could see the Third, right up there. And how to weave through deadfall is not the kind of problem you should expect even a Strava line to help with. You just ...
Yes, there’s not a lot of time to sit down and write with this new bundle of pure joy, but I guess I also just don’t know what to write about. It seems so strange to continue writing on this blog, so I think I will probably not update here much anymore, until the next FET....
The pandemic created pivots for some business folks, not all right. So my dearest friend is a photographer. She was working with, high end clients who paid her a lot because she always said people don’t realize how expensive it is to. You know, meet someone in a location, have a ...
Niel is not naive. He is even a fighter. When he returned to Créteil to talk to the “kids”It is not easy to catch their attention. We are mostly white, old, even old fools. So I have a trick to wake them up. I tell them: “I also went to school here in Créteil, and th...
He explained: "It was like a massive graduation party before we all have to go off and witnesseda unique launch of the book and copies are now available to purchase online, more details foalwith plenty of bone." Despite such assets, the colt was so clumsy when he first took toD Blake...
“Hearts Desire,” but so too is Motown, as heard at the end of the dark, country boy vengeance love story “That Was Us.” There’s an urgency toWild Onesthat has not been duplicated yet in the 21st century. Piffling odes to girls and trucks were left behind to create a thinking ...
hippie-dom, where liberal values are celebrated, people are well read and well-travelled and a mind-blowing mix of Nobel-prize winners, the poor who struggle monthly to pay rent, and a socially and environmentally conscious middle-class. Living in Berkeley has been a ride. Just as it ...
Are we about to get a great rush of Pynchon novels? The answer is blowin' in the wind.Because one thing that has not changed about Mr. P. is his love of mystification. The secrecy surrounding the publication of this book - his first novel since ''Gravity's Rainbow'' in 1973 - has...
Thompson discussed in his study of cultural change Customs in Common as a period after “weeks of heavy labour and scanty diet” when suddenly “food and drink were abundant, courtship and every kind of social intercourse flourished, and the hardship of life was forgotten.” The hippie vibes ...
That said, the oyster thief is not the biggest douche in this story. That crown goes to Joseph Vaudo. Listen, there will always be shit bags stealing from people. No doubt it’s a shitty thing to do, but this Bryant guy is just a low life who is doing what low life’s do. Va...