still confused but on a higher level 记得冯诺依曼说过,你说一个人类做得到而机器做不到的事情,我立马就可以发明个机器去实现这个功能。人类学语言可以说是与生俱来的本能,这个本能不像呼吸喝奶那样出生就会,而是像蜘蛛吐丝,苍鹰飞翔一样,天生有这个硬件,但还是需要后天的一些努力。但婴儿是如何学会语言的,却很少...
我来说两句 短评· ··· 热门 / 最新 / 好友 还没人写过短评呢 我要写乐评 Still Confused But On A Higher Level的乐评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) "Still Confused But On A Higher Level"的论坛 ··· 第一个在"Still Confused But On A Higher Level"的论坛里发言 以下豆列推荐 ···...
Lung recruitment in ARDS: We are still confused, but on a higher PEEP level. Crit Care. 2012; 16 (1):108. doi: 10.1186/cc10715. [ Cross Ref ]Spieth I'M, Gama de Abreu M. Lung recruitment in ARDS: we are still confused, but on a higher PEEP level[J]. Crit Care, 2012, 16 ...
The knitting did get a bit easier and thepatterndid become more decipherable as time went on, but this was still a beast of a project. I’m glad to have done it, and I do love the end result, but I’m not anxious to tackle another project this complex anytime soon. ...
But when I filter this item only, the view still hides Yr 2010. The answer was quite easy AS LONG AS you know it. Check "Show Empty Columns" It still does not show the missing column like this. That's the reason I was confused, but one more check,which is "show missing value"....
athe 1% level is the loss that can be expected to occur once every 100 days. 1%水平是可以期望一次发生每100天的损失。[translate] ai lived there for ten years,but i don't live there now 我居住那里十年,但我现在不居住那里[translate] ...
but their speed in accessing large data structures, whether flexible or not, may explain their higher-level average performance compared to the average human performance. However, the semantic distance scores of the AI chatbots' best responses were not always systematically larger than those of the...
“beautiful” and help the couple display the flag. Then one day the children discover that Cari and Lauri’s house has been egged and their pride flag ripped from its mount. Cari and Lauri are understandably upset and consider leaving he neighborhood. The children are at first confused, but...
The famous little voicemail from BakaNotNice had a lot of people confused, but as for a person from Toronto, it was filled with nothing but the city’s lingo such as “Ting “ONLY REAL MUSIC IS GONNA LAST, ALL THAT OTHER BULLSHIT, IS HERE TODAY AND GONE TOMORROW…” ...
1080p gaming was, and still is, the predominant choice among PC gamers. Higher resolutions like 1440p require investing in not just a new monitor but, sometimes, a stronger graphics card too. Thebest 1440p monitorsused to be significantly pricier than their 1080p brethren, but that isn't ...