The MS 180 C-BE is where handy meets high tech. This lightweight, easy-to-maneuver chainsaw’s first order of business is fast, easy starting with theSTIHL Easy2Start™ system.Just a light pull on the cord does it. Just as easy is the STIHL Quick Chain Adjuster, which makes it po...
当前规格: STIHL德国油锯170/180/172c/250斯蒂尔汽油伐木锯 MS172CBE-14寸易启动1.4kw家用商品介绍 完善信息 待完善 好价爆料 (5) 相关文章 (5) 全网口碑 发现 移动端、京东百亿补贴:爱瑞德 德国充电电锯家用电链锯电动伐木锯锂电池手持砍树切割机电动工具 168TV无刷升级(二电一充) 288元 推荐人:值...