The correlation between synovial fluid effusion and osteophytosis was of 0.84. It was concluded that there is good diagnostic agreement between synovial fluid effusion and osteophytosis when dealing with stifle joint OA. Risk factors for dogs regarding the development of stifle joint OA included: ...
During physical examination, the dog exhibited a non-weight-bearing lameness and pain on hyperextension of the knee joint; there were no signs of joint effusion. The drawer and cranial tibial thrust tests were positive only with the knee flex, which w......
The correlation between synovial fluid effusion and osteophytosis was of 0.84. It was concluded that there is good diagnostic agreement between synovial fluid effusion and osteophytosis when dealing with stifle joint OA. Risk factors for dogs regarding the development of stifle joint OA included: ...
A computed tomography examination of the hindlimbs was performed, and changes in the right stifle joint included moderate joint effusion, synovial thickening, a detached fragment from the medial aspect of the lateral femoral condyle and concurrent changes of the condylar bone. The cortical bone of ...
Radiography is a more sensitive marker of disease than physical examination, and arthroscopy is a more sensitive marker than radiography, particularly with regards to the assessment of the severity of synovial effusion and associated joint inflammation. Recent work has determined that assessment of ...