I was going to use her “goo” recipe here but it uses a mix of white and brown sugars and I was obsessed with getting a very dark color and ended up being happiest with this one from BA. That said, I would take a Flour bakery sticky bun any day of the week; I just don’t ...
【经典肉桂卷(Classic Cinnamon Sticky Buns)】1.面团 Dough: 将全部材料倒入盆中,用木勺或厨师机混合均匀。用厨师机的话揉3分钟;用手就直接在工作台上揉面5分钟;2.将面团放入抹油的大碗中,盖上保鲜膜,发酵至两倍大,90分钟到2小时;3.酱 Goo: 在平底锅里加入黄
xiao long bao eating requires you try and employ a particular tactic. First, gently transfer the bun into a spoon and then carefully take a small bite off the top of the dumpling. Let the steam from the liquid soup inside cool down, slurp ...
酱Goo: 在平底锅里加入黄油,黄糖和枫糖浆,用中火加热。一边加热一边搅拌直到糖溶化,混合物沸腾。倒入已经做好防粘措施的蛋糕盘中,备用。 步骤4 Filling : 黄糖与肉桂混合均匀,融化黄油。 步骤5 Assembly: 在工作台上撒一些面粉,将面团擀开成长方形,18×12英寸(46×30cm)。 展开全部 步骤6 步骤6 涂上融化黄...
《Bake with Anna Olson》 中的食谱,链接戳>>http://www.foodnetwork.ca/recipe/classic-cinnamon-sticky-buns/12774/ 9×13英寸蛋糕盘(23×33cm) sticky bun 顾名思义是拿起来比较粘手也会附带一些酱的面包,图中因为我没有枫糖浆所以我省去了糖浆的制作 做前看贴士!