The meaning of THREE-SPINED STICKLEBACK is a stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) chiefly of fresh and brackish waters that typically has three dorsal spines —called also three-spine stickleback.
Threespine stickleback definition: a widely distributed stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, occurring in marine, brackish, or fresh waters throughout the northern hemisphere.. See examples of THREESPINE STICKLEBACK used in a sentence.
However, some nests were clearly occupied by new, unmarked males after displacement, meaning that even if an experimentally displaced fish returned, they might not have been able to regain their nest. Removing these cases from the data strengthened the expected negative relationship ...
(2009). Capital breeding and income breeding: their meaning, measurement, and worth. Ecology 90: 2057–2067. Google Scholar Su G-S, Liljedahl LE, Gall GAE . (1997). Effects of inbreeding on growth and reproductive traits in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture 142: 139–148. ...
Of these 59 genes, 32 also had a significant interaction term, meaning that the expression difference between habitats was different in the two watersheds, indicating nonparallelism. This left a list of 27 genes that were DEP between the two watersheds (Figure 3). Figure 3 Venn diagrams ...
(2009). Capital breeding and income breeding: their meaning, measurement, and worth. Ecology 90: 2057–2067. Google Scholar Su G-S, Liljedahl LE, Gall GAE . (1997). Effects of inbreeding on growth and reproductive traits in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture 142: 139–148. ...
(dashed line inFigure 2; ρ=0.95,P=2.67 × 10−11). This 22 is a much greater number than expected by chance; theP-value for having the same 22 genes shared by both methods was 0.004. Half of the 22 genes had a negative log2FC value, meaning they were upregulated in lakes, ...
Having spiritual meaning in life d. Having had homosexual experiences The total productivity of an ecosystem refers to the: A. Amount of food consumed by the organisms per unit space B. Average number of offspring produced per adult female per unit of time C. Amount...
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The jurisprudential meaning of the animal: a critique of the subject of rights in the laws of scienter and negligence The USGS Great Lakes Science Center conducted acoustic/midwater trawl surveys of Lake Huron during 1997 and annually during 2004-2009. The 2009 survey was conducted during Septe...