While most cases of hepatitis B respond to a vaccine that doctors can deploy post exposure, chronic hepatitis B can also develop, and this form of hepatitis B has no cure. Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent against Hepatitis B.17Additionally, it is important to use protection w...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Epidemiology and prevention of vaccine-preventable diseases.” Washington DC Public Health Foundation 2 (2015): 20-2. Stanley, Margaret. “Preventing cervical cancer and genital warts–How much protection is enough for HPV vaccines?.” Journal of Infectio...
related quality of life [52], HBV vaccination [63], Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination knowledge, attitudes and beliefs [83], or HPV vaccine initiation and completion [85], and HIV-related self-efficacy [52,55]. Intervention Characteristics and Outcomes Web-Based Intervention (n = 22)...
marker for screening intervention studies and candidate vaccine trials [17]. Furthermore, a biomarker in vaginal material collected by (self-) swab indicating that increased risk of previous Chlamydia infection, PID or, tubal pathology could be of high value not only for identifying cases but also...
noninvasive biomarker enabling selection of women at high risk of late complications of Chlamydia infection would be useful for targeted prevention at the individual level but also facilitate natural history studies and provide an outcome marker for screening intervention studies and candidate vaccine trial...
While awareness of the HPV vaccine was low overall, it was significantly higher among boys than girls. Students with migratory background overall tended to have lower rates of correct responses. For example, of students with two German-born parents, 370 out of 528 (70.1%) were aware that ...