These commands are: Reclaim Object Links (RCLLNK), Reclaim Database Cross-Reference (RCLDBXREF), Reclaim Objects by Owner (RCLOBJOWN), Reclaim Document Lib Object (RCLDLO), Reclaim Library (RCLLIB) and Reclaim Spool Storage (RCLSPLSTG). Refer to those commands for details on the functions...
"jobs":"Jobs","jobsUrl":"","legal":"Legal","legalUrl":"","userAgreement":"User Agreement","userAgreementUrl":"","privacyAndCookiePolicy":"Privacy & Cookie Policy (Your Privacy Rights)","...
The RCLSTG command can also be used to reclaim storage when, during an IPL, not enough storage is available to make the system fully operational. In that case, the system operator can specify the command immediately after receiving the message about insufficient storage. ...
If you do not complete any 1, then you do not get your reward. The special assignment is then reset for the next round you play. Good luck on completing Mastery VII and let me know if this solved your issue. If so, then click “Accept as Solution” button on this post....