STG44默认威力为140点,爆头倍率为3倍,在自动步枪中处于最低位置,导致其爆头波数与很多冲锋枪相同,正常僵尸一枪爆头波数为3波,使用弹头电疗后提升至8波。STG44在纳粹僵尸模式中继承了多人对战中的特性,各项属性比较均衡,但缺乏突出亮点。 STG44经过武器强化升级后更名为STG770,威力提升至220点,弹匣容量翻倍,同时消除...
STG44最大伤害的射程较近,约为16米。衰减到最小伤害的距离约为37.5米。 STG44拥有很正常的射速输出力,不过鉴于其基础伤害较高,可以在近距离打出较高的输出。 STG44的准度一般,且使用机械瞄具时,枪模的跳动非常阻碍视线。即便STG44拥有首发子弹后坐力减少5%的隐藏属性,也无法扳回其在中距离射击时难以控制的手感。
游戏 网络游戏 使命召唤 射击游戏 COD 僵尸 FPS COD20 战区 教程攻略 CallofDuty墨音清晨 发消息 我只是个普通人,正在努力的路上罢了。不愈之殇 食贫道 接下来播放 自动连播 【COD20】新战斗步枪激光枪配置分享 墨音清晨 863 1 【COD20】僵尸迷彩全步枪《黄金谜团》迷彩展示 换弹/检视动画欣赏 墨音清晨 ...
游戏 网络游戏 射击游戏 FPS COD 使命召唤 僵尸 COD20 教程攻略 战区 CallofDuty墨音清晨 发消息 我只是个普通人,正在努力的路上罢了。接下来播放 自动连播 融合僵尸22:战神帝龙 你的s相超乎你的想象 7.6万 543 COD21黑色行动6,外网爆料即将上架的《超越终极外观》与《奇妙塑料终极外观》组合包内容浏览 谁能...
44 Unique DLs 367 Total DLs 495 Total views 4,957 Version 1 Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 11 June 20246:19PM Original upload 11 June 20246:19PM Created by swqsx3 Uploaded by swqsx3 Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod ...
The STG44 is a fan-favorite weapon in Call of Duty: Vanguard. Here are some great loadout options for the new assault rifle, covering multiple playstyles.
Here’s the full patch notes for Season 6 in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone. MW3 Patch Notes Weapons & Attachments Assault Rifles STG44 Decreased maximum damage from 36 to 33 (-8%). Decreased maximum damage range from 44.5m to 36.8m (-17%). ...
Imported the STG-44 from Call of Duty - World at War. Full credit goes to Treyarch for creating the original models and animations, and to Tom Crowley for coding his excellent tools.
The Warzone STG44 was the first Vanguard gun available to play in battle royale, albeit accidentally last October. It's a handy weapon with a huge amount of potential in all aspects of the game, and the perfect accompaniment to your first foray ontoCaldera. The STG44, like all Vanguard pr...
As things stand, the first assault rifle players unlock in Call of Duty: Vanguard may be their go-to for the rest of the game’s life-cycle.