from the war and after the fall of the Third Reich, the rifle and caliber dissolved. No further production of rifles was ever made yet some companies actually produced a limited number of rounds including former East Germany, FNM out of Portugal, Privi Partizan out of Serbia and even ...
它默认使用5.56发,但强烈建议使用New Calibers版本来获得正确的7.92x33mm弹药。 它与透视作战范围兼容,包括2个作战范围,如果您安装了STCS或STS框架,可以定制标线。 兼容性: 它将与更改相同级别列表的其他mod不兼容。您需要制作一个合并的补丁才能使其与这些mod一起使用。事实上有很多教程。链接(由Skibadaa提供)从...
The StG 44 (Sturmgewehr 44, literally "storm [or assault] rifle [model of 19]44") was an assault rifle developed in Nazi Germany during World War II that was the first of its kind to see major deployment and is considered by many historians to be the fir
Immediately available inMW3multiplayer,MW3Zombies, andWarzoneonce unlocked, the STG has a high probability of shaking up the meta with its hard-hitting attributes and ammo caliber, especially once it’s leveled up and tweaked in the Gunsmith. ...
机译:在德国现实生活中狩猎条件下的无铅和铅基狩猎步枪子弹的破碎 7. The Design, Fabrication, and Testing of a Scoped Rifle Sighting Table For .22 Caliber Rifles [O] . Schaffter Tim 1983 机译:用于.22口径步枪的scoped Rifle瞄准台的设计,制造和测试 获取...
Caliber(s) 10- or 30-round detachable box magazine Feed Iron Front and Rear Sights Performance Performance specifications presented assume optimal operating conditions for the Sturmgewehr 45 (StG45(M)) / Maschinenpistole (45 MP45(M)). Information presented is strictly for general reference ...