这些特点共同构成了Stfalcon ImageViewer的独特魅力,使其成为市场上备受推崇的图像查看解决方案之一。无论是在个人使用还是商业环境中,Stfalcon ImageViewer都能够提供卓越的性能和用户体验。 ## 二、共享图像传输 ### 2.1 ImageViewer的共享图像传输功能 Stfalcon ImageViewer不仅仅是一款出色的图像查看工具,它还集成了高...
dependencies { ... implementation 'com.github.stfalcon-studio:SmsVerifyCatcher:[last_version]' } Usage Add permissions to AndroidManifest.xml: <uses-permissionandroid:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS"/> <uses-permissionandroid:name="android.permission.READ_SMS"/> ...
StfalconImageViewer.Builder<Image>(context,images) {view,image->Picasso.get().load(image.url).into(view) }.show() Piece of cake! Transition animation To improve the UX of your app you would like to add a transition when a user opens the viewer. And this is simple as never before! Jus...
StfalconImageViewer http://t.cn/A6Z86arm 包含一个全屏图像查看器,具有共享的图像过渡支持,捏合缩放功能以及滑动手势来消除手势
But is there a way to "surprise" gadget with 3D-gesture? That would be something fresh and unusual, isn’t it?Imagine that waving in the air with Your hand, making, for example, something close to "eight", You will be able to unlock your phone, instead of usual and boring finger ...
Stfalcon —ведущая IT компанияпоразработкеразработка Symfony решений ⚡️ Нашиспециалистыпомогутнавсехэтапахразвитиявашегобизнеса.
our business from the old TaskRunner to TaskRunner 2.0, with a complete reconfiguration of our entire platform. Streamlined communication has always been the key to success for us. They have delivered on time, and the cost is highly balanced with what we get. I strongly recommend Stfalcon. ...
We develop large and medium-size marketplaces, CRM, TMS, ERP Stfalcon Facts In Figures 346+ finished projects 80+ specialists 15+ yrs on the market 4.9 rate on the Clutch Book a free consultation Get in touch Industries We Transform
We at a cross platform mobile app development company, Stfalcon, are flexible in every project. We know first hand that development can be a continuous process and use Agile methodologies to adapt to changing requirements and create the best cross platform app while meeting evolving business needs...