零售药品牌Mais Econômica将会对Brasil Pharma及其前股东投行BTG Pactual发起诉讼,诉讼主要针对其出售项目以及要求赔偿7.6千万雷,远高于原出售价格4.4千万雷。在2015年由Verti Capital竞得时,该药业就曾表明存在类似财务报表作假的丑闻,在账面上减轻了负债,提高了盈利。而瑞士银行表示希望其将出售BSI的价格降到2.775亿瑞...
此外,还要求两家公司缴纳因反竞争行为被判的罚金,否则将受到委员会介入。 6. "Armadilha" de Cuba faz Brasil mudar voto 古巴“诡计”使巴西改变投票 昨日,在联合国人权理事会的一项决议中巴西首次投投出反对票。该决议由古巴提,内容是更新一位联合国独立报告员的职务任期,且文案的一个段落提到有些国家结构调整...
强跟踪滤波器(strong tracking filter) 强跟踪滤波器(STF)是1990年由清华大学周东华教授首次提出的,由扩展的Kalman滤波器改造而来,它是一种用于非线性系 … baike.baidu.com|基于63个网页 3. 最高法院(Supremo Tribunal Federal) Los 25 condenados por elSupremo Tribunal Federal(STF) de Brasil en el juicio ...
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Taking Law and Development as its field of study and using the legal-exploratory method, this article investigates two problems: 1) whether the STF's deference to the Executive is detrimental to the protection of fundamental rights. 2) Why Brazilian legal literature criticizes th...
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Jogos de tiro gratuitos Dedo no gatilho Pegue suas armas preferidas e entre na luta nesses jogos intensos com diversos modos individuais e cooperativos. The Finals Participe de um jogo intenso ...
Publicidade Virsliga PosiçãoTimeJVEDGPGCSGPSequência 1Riga FC11002023 V 2RFS11002113 V 3FK Jelgava10101101 E 4Grobina10101101 E 5BFC Daugavpils00000000 6FK Liepaja00000000 Tabela completa Virsliga - Virsliga 30 de set. de 2024 - 21:00 ...
VIOL NCIA OBSTTRICA NO BRASIL: UM ENFOQUE A PARTIR DOS ACRDOS DO STF E STJdoi:10.12957/rqi.2017.28458This paper aims to analyze and discuss the phenomenon of obstetric violence in Brazil, based on the analysis of the judgments of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) and ...