Keywords:Stewartplatform;parallelrobot;dynamics;slidingmodecontrol;adaptivecontrolsystem;neuralnetworks; Lyapunovmethods;nonlinearcontrol 收稿日期:2022−10−05.网络出版日期:2023−12−01.舰船在航行过程中,由于受到海浪、海风等 基金项目:中国高等教育学会“2023年度高等教育科学研究规环境因素的影响,船体会发生...
Stewart platform,hexapod,multivariable control system,simple symmetrical system,characteristic transfer function,matrix regulatorThe paper is devoted to the problem of designing matrix regulators for a special class of multivariable feedback control systems that are described by the so-called simple ...
The obtained structure and parameters of the Stewart platform's working surface motion control system main controller, which is divided into three components W1, W2, and W3, improve the tracking quality of the program signal vector, account for the cross-connections within the...
The Stewart Platform Trainer Kit helps students learn the fundamentals of parallel kinematics robots. The Stewart Platform Trainer Kit is a software add-on for LabVIEW. Students can use this add-on to learn about complex inverse kinematics algorithms and motion control architecture for industrial ...
The Stewart Platform Trainer Kit helps students learn the fundamentals of parallel kinematics robots. The Stewart Platform Trainer Kit is a software add-on for LabVIEW. Students can use this add-on to learn about complex inverse kinematics algorithms and motion control architecture for industrial paral...
The visualization feature aids in comprehending the platform's motion. Leveraging MATLAB, the GUI streamlines the mathematical computations involved in solving the complex inverse kinematics problem, providing users with an intuitive tool to understand and control the rotary Stewart Platform's motion....
Finally with microchip being the centre, a hardware control system is designed.Witha distributed style, the controlling system includes the upper and lower computer controlling. Keywords: Stewart platform; hydraulic servo control; PID control; MATLAB simulation; microchip 平台液压伺服控制系统的方案拟定15...
Stewart platform equipped with asymmetric hydraulic cylinder controlled by symmetric valve has features such as nonlinearity, time variance and strong interference, which lead to various difficulties in control process. Fuzzy control algorithm is an in-time regulating parameters algorithm, which has the ab...
controlin the relevant research. Firstly sixdegrees offreedomkinematicsofStewart platform hasbeen studied,usingneural network approximation ofexactsolutions of complex non-linear global search algorithm andthe global searchcharacteristicsof genetic algorithm ...
The Stewart Platform Trainer Kit helps students learn the fundamentals of parallel kinematics robots. The Stewart Platform Trainer Kit is a software add-on for LabVIEW. Students can use this add-on to learn about complex inverse kinematics algorithms and motion control architecture for industrial ...