Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are rare, life-threatening conditions with a high mortality rate. SJS and TEN are used to denote a group of disorders closely related to each other, characterized by extensive epidermal necrolysis, and usually induced by drugs. ...
地夫可特相关Steven-Johnson综合征(Steven-Johnson syndrome,SJS)-中毒性表皮坏死松解症(toxic epidermal necrolysis,TEN)国外已有报道[ 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ],在我国罕见。现报道天津市儿童医院免疫科收治的服用地夫可特6周后出现SJS的1例DMD患儿的病例资料并复习文献,总结地夫可特相关SJS-TEN的临床特征、治疗及...
中英双语解读-Steven-Johnson 综合征(SJS).docx,Steven-Johnson 综合征(SJS) 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 药物与Steven-Johnson 综合征(SJS) 1 Stevens-Johnson syndrome 1 发病机制 2 Symptoms 3 临床表现 4 并发症 5 Causes 5 Complications 5 最常见的致敏药物包括:
网络释义 1. 史蒂芬强森症候群 ...,药物不良反应的症状轻者皮肤红疹、搔痒,严重者产生史蒂芬强森症候群(Steven-Johnson Syndrome SJS)、过敏性休克等… www.uho.com.tw|基于17个网页
WhiteML,ChodoshJ,JangJ,et al.Incidence of Stevens-John-son Syndrome and Chemical Burns to the Eye[J].Cornea.2015,34(12):1527-1533.DOI:10.1097/ICO.0000000000000646 返回引文位置Google Scholar 百度学术 万方数据 [6] ShimazakiJ,YangHY,TsubotaK.Amniotic membrane trans-plantation for ocular surface ...
史蒂芬強森症候群(Steven-JohnsonSyndrome,SJS) 一、什麼是史蒂芬強森症候群? 答:這是一種嚴重的多形性紅斑,其臨床特徵包括了特有的皮疹和黏膜侵犯,其皮疹為典型的虹膜狀及標的狀,黏膜則有兩處以上之侵犯,常為口、鼻、眼、生殖器及肛門等部份。 二、導致史蒂芬強森症候群的原因及發生率?
Especially drugs, various infectious agents, malignancy, collagen tissue diseases are common etiological factors of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. Rate of the patients' mortality with SJS is %3-%18. There is no specific treatment. Early withdrawal of implicated agent and supportive therapy as applied to ...
Stevens-Johnson综合征 Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS),又称多形糜烂性红斑的一型,SJS是由免疫复合物所致的一种过敏性疾病,主要表现为严重的多形性红斑,可累及皮肤与粘膜,包括口、鼻、眼、阴道、尿道、胃肠道和下呼吸道粘膜,SJS是一种严重的系统性疾病,甚至有导致死亡的潜在危险。死亡率3-15%...