Steven Quartz Universe is the titular main protagonist of the Steven Universe franchise. He is the son of Greg Universe and Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond, the only known hybrid of a human and a Gem and the first Crystal Gem of human descent. As a result of his parentage, Steven is an ...
More Steven Universe Wiki 1 Gems 2 Steven Universe (character) 3 Pink Diamond Steven Universe: The Movie Steven Universe Wiki Together Alone Steven Universe Wiki Garnet/Designs Steven Universe Wiki Garnet Steven Universe Wiki Steven Universe: The Movie/Gallery Steven Universe Wiki Rose ...
Steven Universe, Pearl, season 5, episode 19, 2018. ↑ Joe Johnston's Tumblr "Q: Hey joe, i just want to ask, does pink diamond have some power that can create gem shards or heck, even gemstones with her breath and bare hands? A: yep, you saw it, that's what happened, that's...
↑2.02.1The Steven Universe Podcast Earth Gems - Rebecca Sugar, Ian Jones-Quartey, Joe Johnston, and Kat Morries (Vol.2/Ep.7) ↑Steven Universe Panel | SDCC 2019 | Cartoon Network Showv•eCrystal Gems Showv•eCharacters inSteven Universe ...