The Cartoon Network's animated series Steven Universe was known for its eclectic genre mixture of science, fantasy, comedy, action-adventure, and coming of ...
In Steven Universe Future, he enters a supercharged state similar to his Gem-half when fighting Jasper. Afterwards, this goes out of control when feeling extreme emotions. Personality: Throughout most of the series, Steven's greatest weakness was his immaturity. Despite being brave, caring, ...
Rate Postgrad #3 - Reviewing the comics (2014) Mon, Sep 7, 2020 Add a plot Rate Postgrad #4 - Top five episodes Tue, Oct 6, 2020 Add a plot Rate Postgrad #5 - Revisiting Rose's scabbard Mon, Oct 19, 2020 Add a plot
Steven Universe ended its seven-season run earlier this year, with a final batch of episodes from the Cartoon Network limited series, Steven Universe Future, which focused on wrapping up its titular young hero's emotional and physical journey as he looked toward his, well, future....
Steven Universe: The Movie (Original Soundtrack) Steven Universe Future (Original Soundtrack) Games The Light series Console games Mobile games Browser games Comics 2014 series 2017 series Steven Universe and the Crystal Gems Steven Universe: Harmony One-shots Graphic novels Trade...
First Captain America Comics #1(December, 1940) We must all live in the real world… and sometimes that world can be pretty grim. But it is the Dream… the hope… that makes the reality worth living. In the early 1940s, I made a personal pledge to uphold the Dream… And as long ...
Like the comics it's based on, "Invincible" is a show full of layered characters, intense fights, and surprising twists, all of which feature in the story of Omni-Man (voiced by J.K. Simmons). Though he at first appears to be a loving husband and father to his son Mark aka the ...
the duo further expanded on Superman to make him more relatable and likable than he’d been in years. Their farewell story was in the massiveAction Comics #1000, but the last issue ofSupermanproper that they wrote was a sincere and heartfelt a goodbye to a character they clearly love an...
so we don’t know much about the storyline, but the sentiment that anyone could be sentry does lend itself to the recasting theory. sentry #1 follows multiple characters given sentry’s powers. marvel comics yeun’s exit from thunderbolts doesn’t necessarily signal larger problems. production ...
The Marvel Comics Universe has all but taken over big-screen cinema in the past decade, and anytime we get new announcements about a new film or short series that's being added I'm a happy guy. But for the second time in its 10 years since being established, aKalamazoocollege graduate...