Hundreds of years later, Rose ends up meeting and falling in love with Greg Universe, a human musician. Pearl meets Greg and is jealous of his relationship with Rose, considering Pearl's extremely close relationship with Rose lasting millennia. Eventually, Rose dies while giving birth to a so...
西装珍珠Pearl-第二版 自制动态壁纸(动画-宇宙小子史蒂夫-Steven Universe) 6万 45 4:04 App 【宇宙小子-Steven Universe Future】珍珠與粉珍珠融合片段 8505 1 1:08:23 App 【~320K】宇宙小子史蒂芬第一季原声带 Steven Universe: Season 1 (Original Television Score) 6376 6 4:29 App 小马宝莉壁纸,欢迎...
♫ Steven and Pearl: Here we are in the future! ” —Steven Universe: The Movie “ It really is her, but she can't be serious. ” —Steven Universe: The Movie “ ♫ How do you do, My Um Greg Universe? Thank you for bringing me into the world! I am at your eternal ...
#stevenuniverse #su #宇宙小子 #宇宙小子珍珠 #Pearl 破儿的slap之路! 只是剪个觉得好玩的就算是破自己扇自己也不奇怪哈哈哈 - Koloo(油炸小猪于20220708发布在抖音,已经收获了4456个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Of the 143923 characters on Anime Characters Database, 27 are from the western animation Steven Universe.
9 PLAYABLE CHARACTERS Play as your favorite Steven Universe characters, including Steven, Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Bismuth, Peridot, Connie, and Greg! CUSTOMIZE YOUR TEAM Choose which Gems are in your party, unlock awesome new abilities, and equip alternate costumes. Plus, change fo...
Steven Universe 前73集中Pearl喊Steven名字的全部片段合辑 2669 60 03:15 App 【AMV】宇宙小子/Steven Universe - Shut up and Dance 1.1万 25 02:09 App Steven Universe - Mr. Greg故事板画师教你如何画Pearl 3677 17 03:24 App Steven Universe 前73集中Amethyst喊Pearl的片段合集【中字】 1196 0 01:...
这个mod是基于《饥荒联机版》的一个角色mod,角色名为Pearl,她是一个像武士一样非常精确的角色。她有300点理智、饥饿和生命值。当她被击败后,她会在片刻后复活。她是一个快速、灵活的角色,白天她的理智恢复速度很快。 她配备了她的标志性武器,一把矛和她的剑。矛可以对敌人造成很大的伤害,并且可以投掷。剑是一...
Description 9 PLAYABLE CHARACTERS Play as your favorite Steven Universe characters, including Steven, Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Bismuth, Peridot, Connie, and Greg! CUSTOMIZE YOUR TEAM Choose which Gems are in your party, unlock awesome new abilities, and equip alternate costumes. Plus...
Rose is not just the ghost haunting the narrative but the rose-tinted filter the characters must shatter to grow.Steven Universe, created by Rebecca Sugar, is the coming-of-age story of 13-year-old Steven Universe as he attempts to master his powers and become a Crystal Gem. While the ...