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Web site for Steven Pinker, Johnstone Professor of Psychology, Harvard University and author of books on language, mind, & human nature.
TED演讲者 :Steven Pinker | 史帝芬·平克 演讲标题 :Is the world getting better or worse? A look at the numbers | 世界是在变好还是变糟?让 数字说话吧 内容概要 :Was 2017 really the worst year ever, as some would have us believe? In his analysis of recent data on homicide, war, ...
Harvard psychology professor Steven Pinker joins us to talk about his latest book, Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters.
PINKER: One is that you’ve got to live a life of a certain amount of benign hypocrisy where you paper over some differences for the sake of peace and harmony. We’ll never get to the ground truth where everyone agrees on everything. Human conflict is inevitable. That is a lesson from...
Pinker, S. (2015).Shakespeare: One of the first and greatest psychologists.The Atlantic. Pinker, S. (2015).Response to the Book Review Symposium: Steven Pinker, The Better Angels of Our Nature.Sociology. Pinker, S. (2015).Guess what? More people are living in peace now. Just look at ...
should never be used. All this is now in question. Pinker isparticularlysharp on the dangers of ignoring oroverridingthe systems that make nuclear warunlikely. 他后来补充说,他本可以每结束一章写到:“但如果Donald Trump(唐纳德·特朗普)得逞,所有这些进步都会受到威胁。”特朗普主义几乎会让生活中所有的领...
Pinker’s book starts with a self-quote, embellished, in his own words, “by the distortions of memory andl’esprit de l’escalier, the wit of the staircase.” It was his “reasonably creditable answer” to “the most arresting question” he has ever been asked: “Why should I live?”...
STEVEN PINKER:One aspect of the book unlike anything that came out of the Enlightenment is the use of data as a basic component of the argumentation. It’s not that I think Enlightenment figures would have found this mode of argument alien. On the contrary, the use of graphs to visualize...
Sailer, Steve