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9月16日,由Roca北京艺术廊联合美国知名建筑事务所Steven Holl Architects共同举办的数字影像展“观·象”正式开幕。开幕仪式邀请到策展人Steven Holl Architects的合伙人Roberto Bannura,中央美术学院建筑学院院长朱锫和清华大学建筑学院院长张利作为特邀嘉宾来到现场观展。此次展览中,观众有机会近距离了解到事务所是如何将...
the Hudson Valley, and Beijing. Steven Holl founded the firm in 1977 and leads the office with partners Noah Yaffe, Roberto Bannura, Dimitra Tsachrelia, and Olaf Schmidt.
Skip to content 中文 Steven Holl Architects Studio + Contact Ecological Resilience News + Events Idea + Phenomena Projects Linked Hybrid | Beijing, China (2009) LEED Gold AIA New York Chapter Sustainable Design Merit Award (2008) Features –Site restauration from past industrial function –System ...
Steven Holl Architects is a 35-person innovative architecture and urban design office working globally as one office from three locations: New York City, Beijing and Hudson Valley. 斯蒂文·霍尔建筑师事务所以其对环境敏感度高的空间和光线塑造能力以及催化每个项目独特品质的能力而获得认可,以创建多尺度的...
由著名建筑师、哥伦比亚大学终身教授StevenHoll亲自操刀,以著名画家马蒂斯的《舞者》为创意灵感,以BEIJINGLINKEDHYBRID(连接的复生体)为规划理念,被《时代周刊》誉为“世界十大建筑奇迹”之一。 这家藏在世界...
Architecture projects from Steven Holl Architects, based in New York City - United States, an Architecture Office firm centered around Cultural Architecture
“城市造像计划”第十一期,Roca Beijing Gallery联合美国建筑事务所Steven Holl Architects举办了主题为“观·象”的数字影像展。本次展览中,Steven Holl Architects阐释了每个项目的建筑理念来源于自身特点,并将理念与建筑的功能性本质相结合。同时,以新鲜的视角看待最平常的事物,反思其背后的深层逻辑,创造纯粹的...
"Linked Hybrid," Holl's apartment complex on Beijing's outskirts, wins the title of Asia's Best Tall Building.