#ACT# 接纳承诺疗法ACT是由美国心理学家史蒂文·海斯(Steven C.Hayes)基于行为疗法创立的心理疗法,是第三代认知⾏为疗法代表之⼀。该疗法旨在帮助个体通过对内在价值观和目标的承诺来应对情绪困扰和问题行为。它是一种以接纳和意义 - 阿拉雷于20240329发布在抖音,已经
Hayes博士对某些邮件的回应,通常来讲它包含两部分:某人对ACT的一些疑惑以及Hayes的回应。 2. 建议谁看它? 如果你有类似的困扰、如果你对ACT接纳与承诺疗法感兴趣、如果你是心理咨询师、如果你是心理学爱好者。 3. 你为何会翻译它? 因为我正在系统地学习接纳与承诺疗法,我相信阅读以及翻译Hayes的邮件能够帮助我更...
以下是Hayes的回复: 这是两个不同的概念:客观事实和意识到想法只是一个想法。解离并不是指要挑战客观事实。这是一个很常见的误解,并且会影响理解解离的核心部分。你终究会死。这是‘客观事实’。你可以融合或解离这个想法‘我终究会死’。你能把它仅仅看成一个想法吗?你能够拿走对你有用的部分然后把剩下的留...
Steven Hayes View contact info and get hired Find contact info for agents and management View connections to industry professionals See who's working on titles in development Try IMDbPro Premium for free See more membership options Already a member?Log In...
ACT BootCamp® – Washington, DC Led by ACT master trainers, Steven C. Hayes, Robyn D. Walser, Miranda Morris, and Diana Hill, this 4-day skills-based intensive training will fully prepare you to effectively apply ACT with your clients right away. Experience for yourself ACT’s transformati...
Hayes. In ACT group, I was able to spend time thinking about my authentic values and begin taking steps in that direction. Little by little, step by step, it happened: my life began to reflect my values rather than the imprint of trauma. Thanks to Dr. Hayes and his team for donating...
and the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science, and is one of the most cited psychologists in the world. Dr. Hayes initiated the development of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and of Relational Frame Theory (RFT), the approach to cognition on which ACT is based. His research ...
It is an honor to have Dr. Steven Hayes, the father of “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy” (ACT), on the podcast this week. In this wide ranging episode, we learn about the “third wave” of cognitive behavioral therapies, and how to have greaterpsychological flexibility— the ability to...
Steven C. Hayes Ph.D.斯蒂芬·C·海斯 博士接纳承诺疗法(ACT)创始人语境行为科学(CBS)奠基人后斯金纳主义的人类语言认知理论(RFT)创始人美国内华达大学心理学系终身教授/博士生导师国际语境行为科学协会(ACBS)终身主席美国行为和认知治疗协会(ABCT)主席美国心理学会行为分析分会(APABA)主席已发表44本著作,近600篇...
Under the leadership of Steven Hayes, Contextual Behavioral Science (CBS) became a vigorous field. Relational Frame Theory (RFT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and CBS in general brought huge advances to our understanding of human behavior. This commentary discusses to what extent CBS,...