知名Youtube大V SteveWillDolt表示,以后再也不看NBA了。他在播客透露登子私信他的女朋友,导致他和女朋友分手了,并且他的Youtube账号也被官方关闭销号了。他表示以后不再和人一起看哈登的比赛,会更多关注本.西蒙斯并且对他做一个全面的分析 û收藏 5 27 ñ118 评论 o p 同时转发到...
sub_confirmation=1 Join SDP VIP: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0a0z05HiddEn7k6OGnDprg/join Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/thestevedanglepodcast Spotify: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/sdpvip/subscribe Follow us on Twitter: @Steve_Dangle, @AdamWylde, & @JesseBlake...
And every attack on Apple for this is being made on behalf of each of us individuals. We have been systematically robbed by the trillion-dollar Apple corporation, apparently, and it is only through the likes of other corporations like Spotify and Epic Games that we will ever see justice...
Brother, where the government could, for example, attempt to control inflation with negative interest rates - literally taking money out of your account to limit your ability to spend, and there will be nothing you can do about it because you have no cash or crypto to move your money into...
With any of those tools you can write and maintain a single code base for 75% of the mobile market. It could be 100%, but Jobs is devolving into Gates so developers will have to be satisfied with bypassing the iPhone until he comes around. ...
with both sides getting really angry. The Israelites become so lost in their relationship with God that they actually build the golden calf. Moses has to step in and stop God from destroying the Israelites. Then God lays out the deal; accept the Torah and you will be my people. One of ...
and there will be nothing you can do about it because you have no cash or crypto to move your money into. They could seek to make you healthier by restricting your expenditure on certain types of foods - 'no sausages for you this week citizen Smith, you're going on a diet. We're ...
A private memorial will be held to honor Steve Jobs. Betty Nguyen reports. Oct 15, 2011 School trades paper for iPads Two weeks ago, at St. Mel School, every one of their 570 students were assigned an iPad, and teachers there have seen immediate benefits in test scores. Bill Whitaker ...
This will all be overturned because God has a greater plan. To believe that you must stand in faith no matter what you see. When this occurs all will know God did it and He will receive the glory. Those looking to “escape” in the rapture will be disappointed as God has much greate...
I wonder if I will be like the officers in the German Army who stood for the Weimar Republic during the crisis even if they did not agree with all that it stood for who were then cashiered or in some cases killed by the Nazis after the takeover. You see, when people become zealots...