As you know, I have preached the death of the big casino. A somewhat decent replication of my position is reflected by the casino ETF BJK Gotta love that double top. I would have loved it to break support here and WYNN would have been a nice crater. 2 year chart BJK Kinda want...
Innovate he did. In 1998, Jobs introduced theiMac, an egg-shaped, one-piece computer that offered high-speed processing at a relatively modest price and initiated a trend of high-fashion computers. (Subsequent models sported five different bright colours.) By the end of the year, the iMac ...
The near-death experience, made popular by Raymond Moody in the 1970s, has hit the cultural mainstream with movies likeHeaven Is Real. The now-familiar scenario of going through the tunnel toward the light and meeting something like God is so widespread that mention of “staying away from the...
a permanent understanding of your connectedness with all that exists. Think compassion. At the level of reason, you live in service to your head. But that eventually becomes a dead end where you fall into the trap of over-intellectualizing. You see that ...
Once Apple had been come back from its near-death experience in the late 1990s, Steve Jobs started focusing on ways to make the company's shrinking market share (around 5%) grow. He decided to leverage Apple's unique strength of making both hardware & software to do this: not only would...
PEACE! “Therefore, in order to say a little about this dark night, I shall trust neither to experience nor to knowledge, since both may fail and deceive; but, while not omitting to make such use as I can of these two things, I shall avail myself, in all that, with the Divine fav...
I really had no desire to visit Detroit, but the price was just too hard to pass up. So, I bought a couple tickets, grabbed Nate, and headed to Michigan for the weekend. I knew it would be a fun time, and I really wanted to go with both Nick and Nate, but Nick is still ...
In my experience of recovery from alcohol and drugs I have noticed that some people (who knew me when) never quite trusted or understood that my whole life had changed. I was “that drunk” to them every time they saw me, no matter that decades of sobriety had passed. I have friends ...
Then it was on to Death Valley for a really interesting few days of 114 degree weather (honest, it’s not the heat, it’s the humidity!) Next we spent a night in Las Vegas and caught the Star Trek Experience, where we have equipment installed (Danielle hated it, but it was really ...
On April 22, 2012, I suffered from a stroke. It was a near death experience. I was 63 years old and 100 pounds overweight – a ticking time bomb. I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol and Type 2 Diabetes. I was morbidly obese and... ...