Stuff from the central processing unit of the computer comes and goes between it and the random access memory (RAM) chips, which are commonly compared to human short-term memory; every so often, information is transferred to the backing store (the hard disc, or SSD chips, or floppy discs ...
by Martin Zaharinov Inspiration is a self-actualization hero for all ages LIFE ON THE CHEQUE by Elaine Power Five remarkable mothers who are living in poverty, their hopes for a better future for their children, their struggles to overcome the obstacles of poverty. Vampires In Prison-wo...
MartinGrayJournalist http://dangermart.blogspot "...focusesonatmosphereanddesperation...gruesomeandreallyinteresting,bothstories oozinghopelessness...areallystrongdebut." CoreyGrahamformerlyoftheMidnightPodcast http://.midnightpodcast "OneofthemosthumanizingzombiestoriessinceRomero'sNightOfTheLivingDead." ...
New York has certainly inspired its share of coming-to-the-city adventures. One of the most striking is a short story by Willa Cather called “Paul’s Case,” which first appeared inThe Troll Gardenin 1905. Paul, a high school student in Pittsburgh, is gawky and awkward, with a “certai...