MR. BALLMER: Thanks very much for the opportunity to come speak today.Steve works better, Jim, than Mr. Ballmer, I still think that’s my dad. It’s a real honor for me to have a chance to be here with you today, and to have a chance not only to talk a little bit about whe...
JOE EPSTEIN: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to today’s meeting of the Commonwealth Club of California, brought to you live from the Fairmont Hotel on San Francisco’s Nob Hill.I am Joe Epstein, past president of the Commonwealth.We also welcome the listeners of KMTT, Th...
During the climax ofThe Drumhead,Captain Picard tells his inquisitor,“With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.” The question is: Will we sell the very proposition that sets us apa...
―John Milton , Areopagitica Last week I gave a talk, entitled ‘Free Speech in Authoritarian Times?’ to an audience of 24 or so people, mainly but not exclusively English, brought together by Phil and Francesca Harrison under the banner of the Kalamitsi Arts Group in the old village school...
MICROSOFT/COMPAQ FINANCIAL SUMMIT Steve Ballmer 10/20/98 [Due to the varying sound quality and subject matter of tapes, the information in this transcript may contain inaccuracies.] MR. BALLMER:Thanks, Cheryl, and thanks to all of you for taking your time.I’ve got to admit, that was kind...
MR. BALLMER:What I thought I would try to do today, in my own remarks and through some of the comments of our partners and our customers, is to give you a little bit of a perspective of how we see the requirements coming from our retail customers, the kinds of things that we think...
MR. BALLMER: It’s my great pleasure to have a chance to be with everybody here today. Somehow, doing conferences in Las Vegas I always find to be an interesting thing, but at least there’s plenty to do late at night. What I’d like to try to do in the time I have with you...
It is certainly now common wisdom that one of the great sources of economic boom and prosperity and jobs and advancement in productivity has come out of the computer and IT sector. And so it’s a fundamental question for all governments to decide how to really do the most to stimulate that...