回顾: Glenn:《Make Something Wonderful: Steve Jobs in his own words》全书翻译(1) | Steve 关于童年和青年时期的回忆 Glenn:《Make Something Wonderful: Steve Jobs in his own words》全书翻译(2.1) | 1976–1985 Glenn:《Make Something Wonderful: Steve Jobs in his own words》全书翻译(2.2) | 1976...
Glenn:《Make Something Wonderful: Steve Jobs in his own words》全书翻译(1) | Steve 关于童年和青年时期的回忆 原文: Make Something Wonderful 1976 年,当 Steve 和他的朋友 Steve Wozniak(“Woz”)开始在乔布斯家的车库里组装后来被称为 Apple I 的东西时,那时“计算机”这个词让人想到的是由专业程序员照...
Steve Jobs:Oh, yeah. I mean, in my wildest imagination, I couldn’t have come up with such a wild ending to all of this. I had hoped that my life would take on the quality of an interesting tapestry where I would have weaved in and out of Apple: I would have been there a peri...
《Make Something Wonderful —— Steve Jobs in his own words》 创造奇迹 -- 史蒂夫-乔布斯自己的话 “乔布斯档案库”发布的电子书 http://t.cn/A6NbaRid 了解一个人的最好方法是直接倾听这个人的声音。而了解...
IT之家 4 月 15 日消息,Steve Jobs Archive 档案馆日前免费发布了名为《Make Something Wonderful: Steve Jobs in His Own Words》的电子书,并限量制作了印刷版,送给苹果和迪士尼的一些员工。 不过这些限量印刷版《Make Something Wonderful: Steve Jobs in His Own Words》迅速上架 eBay 平台,平均售价在 500-10...
Make Something Wonderful, Steve Jobs in his own words 是史蒂夫·乔布斯的妻子整理的图文集。包含了他的讲话、访谈、书信和鲜见的照片。这本书的电子版已经公开,可以免费下载。实体版只有 Apple、Pixar/Disney 的员工才能拿到。所以拍一个翻书视频分享给大家。电子版:
早在 1983 年,乔布斯就在阿斯彭国际设计会议上提到了他对未来人工智能的畅想。问题是,你不能向 Aristotle(亚里士多德) 提问。我认为,在我们展望未来五十到一百年时,如果我们真的能制造出这些能够捕捉潜在精神、潜在原则或潜在的看待世界的方式的机器,那么,当下一个 Aristotle 出现时,也许如果他一生...
history’s assessment of Jobs. With any luck, history will remember thata publication assembled by Jobs’s family and friends was never going to present an unvarnished portrait of the man. But with that proviso in mind, the creators ofMake Something Wonderfulhave indeed made something wonderful....
Download Make Something Wonderful How to get the book on your device. The official ebook edition of Make Something Wonderful: Steve Jobs in his own words is free to read on Apple Books and from participating libraries through our partners at Libby. You can also download the book to view it...
"I hope these selections ignite in you the understanding that drove him," writes Powell Jobs. "[That] everything that makes up what we call life was made by people no smarter, no more capable, than we are; that our world is not fixed and so we can change it for the better." ...