Jobs remembers his father as being very skilled at working with his hands. In 1961 the family moved to Mountain View, California. This area, just south of Palo Alto, California, was becoming a center for electronics. Electronics form the basic elements of devices such as radios, televisions...
We honor Steve Jobs, Apple Co-Founder / CEO, by celebrating his birthday on February 24th. Click & read more about his achievements.
In 1976, when Jobs was only 21, Jobs and Wozniak began working on the first Apple Computer. The duo worked on the computer in the Jobs family garage, selling precious items to get enough money to fund their beloved project. Wozniak and Jobs wanted to create something smaller and cheaper fo...
Jobs would father and abandon a child of his own. (He eventually took responsibility for her.) Chrisann Brennan, the mother of that child, said that being put up for adoption left Jobs "full of broken glass," and it helps to explain some of his behavior. "He who is abandoned...
Stephen Jobs was born in Mountain View, California (USA) on February 24, 1955. His childhood and youth passed there, in the foster family of Paul and Clara Jobs, who was given up for upbringing by his mother. When Steve Jobs was 12 years old, on a childish whim and not without an...
The Jobs' family home in Los Altos, California is now a historical site Jobs's adopted father would teach him about electronics and work on them in their garage during his childhood. This sparked an interest in electronics and chips that would lead to a friendship with Steve Wozniak in high...
I don't have many heroes, but I am proud to say that Steve Jobs will always be my hero! He taught me how to dream. He taught me how to live. He taught me passion for life. He taught me how to die! I will always love his example of life! Praying for his family. May he res...
2.formerly“referring to a married woman (to a wife)»: Women’s and girls’ rooms were on the sidelines, often dark, with small, high-placed windows. BYSTR.History II, 393. in a womanly way«like a woman”: Curling in a womanly way, I ask: – And what did the master want ...
The line was shrewdly effective, but it also revealed Jobs’s own near-messianic belief in the computer revolution. Insanely great During that same period, Jobs was heading the most important project in the company’s history. In 1979 he led a small group of Apple engineers to a technology ...
The childhood of Steve Jobs Why Steve Jobs was important Apple Jobs' family Practice Exams You are viewing quiz 3 in chapter 4 of the course: US History for Kids Course Practice 12 chapters | 165 quizzes Ch 1. US Constitution for Elementary... Ch 2. US Government for Elementa...