All you’d need for the speech-to-text thing, for example, is someone to listen to the speaker and, when they make a noise that the computer doesn’t recognize, insert text that matches the sounds made and the context of the speech. This is, in fact, one of the jobs that our brai...
“Innovation comes from saying no to 1000 things to make sure we don’t get on the wrong track or try to do too much.”– Steve Jobs “Get rid of crappy stuff, and focus on the good stuff” –Steve Jobs’ adviseto the new Nike CEO, Mark Parker Secret Six: Create insanely great e...
I've been receiving an alarming number of emails recently from IRR-activated soldiers who are just now reaching their units in Iraq, only to find that the unit had no idea they were coming and has no slots open or jobs for them to do in their actual MOS. This was the case for severa...
Conservative evangelicals, ones who hold to the so-calledcomplementarian gender theology, affirm that husbands are the head of the home. This is heavily qualified, however, and one such qualification is that headship means service rather than authority. Or at least to the extent that such autho...
(My) wife of 24 years … got pregnant, while I was still in college. …I had to grow up pretty quick, and figure out how to support a family. … I worked my way through it. I did odd jobs. I ended up getting a job as 100 percent commission salesperson selling insurance. It bui...
My time in a Clinical Pastoral Education Residency a year after I graduated from seminary was filled with more discovery, much of it very painful as I confronted many of my own demons, But even what I learned there was just a chip off the top of the iceberg. While it was valuable it ...
you can use economic sanctions to so cripple poor country’s to kill hundreds of thousands of children because they do not have food, water, or medical care; you can funnel tax revenues to the richest of the rich and deny food, housing, jobs, education, medical care, post natal care, ...
Most officers and civil servants, even those uncomfortable with Hitler’s policies obeyed their oaths and simply stayed in their lanes and did their jobs, even when they had incontrovertible evidence of Nazi atrocities. Yet there were others who for a number of reasons, in some cases noble, ...