Steve Jobs' early childhood Author Walter Isaacson says two of the key influences in Steve Jobs' upbringing were learning that he was adopted, and growing up in Silicon Valley, where the emerging digital world met the Bay Area's counterculture. ...
Steve's Childhood Home 2)后来Steve遇见苹果的共同创始人Steve Wozniak,并很快成为好友。 Steve Meets Steve 3)年轻时他留着络腮胡。 Portrait Of A Young Nerd 4)1975年,两位Steve一起工作。 Jobs and Wozniak, 1975 5)为了开始苹果,两位Steve卖掉他们所有值钱货,筹得1300美元“起步费”。 Apple's Early Day...
Steve Jobs knew from an early age that he was adopted . “My parents were very open with me about that, he recalled. He had a clear memory of sitting in the yard of his house, when he was six or seven years old, telling the girl who lived across the stre
Jobs's adopted father would teach him about electronics and work on them in their garage during his childhood. This sparked an interest in electronics and chips that would lead to a friendship with Steve Wozniak in high school. The story of two young men building a computer inside a garage ...
Steve Jobs knew from an early age that he was adopted. "My parents were very open with me about that," he recalled. He had a vivid memory of sitting on the lawn of his house, when he was six or seven years old, telling the girl who lived across the street. "So does that mean ...
BiographyofStevejobsEarlylifeStevenJobswas born February 24‚ 1955‚ in San Francisco‚ California‚ and was adopted by Paul and ClaraJobs. He grew up with one sister‚ Patty. PaulJobswas a machinist and fixed cars as a hobby.Jobsremembers his father as being very skilled at working ...
The iMac, iPod,iPone and iPad were always the coolest products on the market.Steve Jobs was also a good example of"The American Dream". He had been adopted as child by a working class in Califormia. He didn't have a good education. Instead, he dropped out of college early on and ...
early interest in electronics.He and his friend Steve Wozniak started Apple Computer —now just called Apple —in 1976.They stayed at the company until 1985.That year, Steve Wozniak returned to college and Steve Jobs left in a debate with the chief executive.Mr.Jobs then formed his own ...
Jobs always knew he was adopted, but it still had a profound effect on him. He told Isaacson this story from his early childhood during one of their many taped interviews: [Steve Jobs, audio: I was, I remember right here on the lawn, telling Lisa McMoylar from across the street that...