Steve Jobs, the name evokes images of sleek iPhones, revolutionary computers, and a charismatic leader who pushed the boundaries of innovation. But beyond the iconic products and the larger-than-life persona, lies a story of a man who dared to dream big and transformed the world we...
We thus do not have a clear sense of the nature of the rhetoric of charismatic leaders and whether or how they alter their rhetoric in different situations. We conduct an in-depth case study of the rhetoric of the late Steve Jobs, an acknowledged charismatic leader, to expand our ...
Steve Jobs was co-founder of Apple Computer, and a successful leader in the world of technology. He was successful in, not only creating cutting-edge products but, building a company where employees were malleable to his charismatic style of leadership. According to our textbook, Steve Jobs ...
Some twenty years later, Michael Wolff's description of Jobs was little different: "There's the mercurialness; the tantrums; the hours-long, dictator-like speeches; the famous, desperate, and transparent hogging of credit; and always the charismatic-leader complex [...], through which he has...
Jobs was a charismatic and seductive leader, and often an arbitrary and impatient manager. His design guru, Jony Ive, has said that he never bothered to unpack when traveling with his boss because Jobs always found the hotel unacceptable. He was a perfectionist, equally obsessive about product ...
Leadership Behavior of Steve Jobs Charismatic and Transformational Leadership Behaviors When Steve Jobs was doing his presentation, the world is watching him -- he is a charismatic leader. People love to talk about his vision, and he saw what others can not see. When Nokia was the biggest ...
more elements of a transformational leader than any other type, although he does have traits of a visionary and charismatic leader. Wynn is a transformational leader who inspires his employees with his vision and passion for the gaming and resort industry (Lead, 2013). A transformational ...
- American entrepreneur‚ designer and inventor‚ has been widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the revolution in the field ofpersonalcomputers [1] [2]. Co-founder‚ chairman andCEO‚Apple. Co-founder andCEOstudio Pixar. In the late 1970s‚Jobs’ friendSteveWozniak developed one...
He was a charismatic inspirational leader of groups of engineers who designed the products he visualized. He was also a skilled negotiator and a genius in marketing. In this article, we present a brief overview of his life.doi:10.1007/s12045-014-0108-9Rajaraman...
SteveJobs (1955.2.24-2011.10.5)catalogue:Biography-"Applefather"1 Leaderspirit 2 Video 3 Jobs’say 4 Influence 5 1 Biography SteveJobswasanAmericanbusinessman,designerandinventor.Heisbestknownasthecofounder,chairman,andchiefexecutiveofficerofAppleInc.ThroughApple,hewaswidelyrecognizedasacharismaticpioneer...