--- Motor Trend, 9/92 " The only cars that get around Sears Point International Raceway hill loop much faster have numbers on their doors ... The RX-7 may be a performance high-water mark for years to come ... The RX-7's performance is awe-inspiring: It's within 1 foot of bein...
I couldn’t believe he would continue on his own, and to summarize my reaction to this, when I kept going and not finding him, hill after hill, when I topped a larger hill about half a mile into this other road and there was no sign of him I heard myself exclaiming out loud “p...
If we think the machinations at the modern centres of power are something new, Stothard’s account of the vipers and toadies on Palatine Hill striving to win the favour of the likes of Caligula and Nero will put you right. The Romans built the template – their successors are merely imitat...
In June 1942, the president approved Bush’s plan to hand building the bomb over to the Army. The Manhattan Engineering District became the new name for the U.S. atomic bomb program. General Groves was appointed its head in September 1942. To everyone’s surprise Groves selected Oppenheimer ...
作者:Carmine Gallo 出版社:McGraw-Hill Education 副标题:How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience 出版年:2009-10-16 页数:272 定价:GBP 19.99 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780071636087 豆瓣评分 8.2 127人评价 5星 37.0% 4星 35.4% 3星 26.0% ...
“I wanted to build a team of people who would work together and whose only focus would be on making great software,” said Bill Hill, the former manager. “But you can’t do that at Microsoft.” Why, Jim Allchin wanted to know, was Apple’s technology so much better than Microsoft...
JOE EPSTEIN: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to today’s meeting of the Commonwealth Club of California, brought to you live from the Fairmont Hotel on San Francisco’s Nob Hill.I am Joe Epstein, past president of the Commonwealth.We also welcome the listeners of KMTT, Th...
democrat and republican on Capitol Hill that was willing to talk with me about it. A year later, we rolled it out. And for two years in a row, I was getting record breaking budgets for the Department of Defense, with 87% of the House and Senate Democrats and Republicans voting for it...
“Shining City on the Hill,” the “indispensible nation” or cant like that. Building off a range of opportunities not usually available to citizens or recent arrivals—but the result of ripping off raw materials and the peoples of the ...
andtheothers setofwheelsrollsbel owthetrack.Thewheelsbel owthetrackkeepthefastmovingcarsfrom coming off the track,rollercoaster cars as you probably know dont have any motors or engines.Instead,achainpullsthecarsupthefirst,tallestandsteepystaffhill,thisishowthe ridebegins.Then,atthetopofthehillthe...