On Date June 2, 2024 "War Room" host Steve Bannon warns pro-Israel Republican donors that they need the support of Trump voters and MAGA. STEVE BANNON: Nikki Haley has not said anything. Embrace that. I gotta tell Nikki Haley now, this is a warn...
In general, Steve Bannon’s War Room is a vehicle to promote far-right disinformation propaganda as a means to sow division and create chaos. To put it in perspective, “War Room” is less credible than theGateway Punditand rivals Infowars in its blatant promotion of disinformation. Overall,...
Amid the constellation of conservative media outlets along media row at the convention, Maureen Bannon, Steve Bannon’s daughter, hovered with two hulking bodyguards. The CEO of WarRoom, Maureen is running her father’s media operation while he serves a 4-month sentence in federal prison...
Grace Chong, chief financial officer and chief operating officer for Bannon’s War Room, encouraged Republicans on X to do everything they could do to block any of outgoing President Joe Biden's judicial picks for the federal bench. Bannon served in Donald Trump's first White House and is ...
Bannon, who has fallen in and out of favor with President Trump, recently started apodcastand radio show called "War Room: Impeachment," with former Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller and Raheem Kassam, a former adviser to right-wing British politician Nigel Farage. ...
Florida farmer, Alfie Oakes, is facing just that fate. He’s being forced to pare back two-thirds of his acreage because inflation has forced his costs up so much he can’t make a profit on it. In the video below, he explains his plight to Steve Bannon ...
Twitter banned an account used by former top Trump adviser Steve Bannon after he called for the beheading of Dr. Anthony Fauci and FBI Director Christopher Wray on his podcast Thursday. A Twitter spokesperson confirmed to CBS News that, "The @WarRoomPandemic account has been permanently suspended...
Bannon has remained influential among hardcore Trump supporters through his four-hour-a-day show "War Room," broadcast from the basement of his Washington, D.C., home. The themes and rhetoric from Bannon's "War Room" often echo in Trump's campaign speeches -- the mos...
“All hell will break loose tomorrow. It will be quite extraordinarily different. All I can say is strap in,” Bannon said on his “War Room” podcast on Jan. 5. “Tomorrow is game day. So many people said, man, if I was in revolution I would be in Washington. Well, this is you...
Bannon championed “America First” right-wing populism, including fierce opposition to existing immigration practices, that became hallmarks of Trump’s presidency. He now runs the popular podcast “War Room,” and often hosts guests who deny that Trump lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden. (Rep...