Sternum pain usually increases with deep breathing, coughing, sneezing, or laughing. Touching the injury spot also causes sharp pain. Sternum pain also increases in certain positions such as lying face down or when you bend or turn sideways. There may also be bruising, swelling, and tenderness ...
Severe injuries may require prescribed pain medication as the trauma may lead to breathing difficulty and coughing. These upper-respiratory issues could develop into An injured chest may also result from acollapsed lungor broken ribs. Anti-inflammatory and narcotic medications may be necessary. Surgery...
At age 47 I had cabg X 2. I was doing good until a mold and chemical exposure during construction at work. The past two years I have been miserable. I've developed asthma. I have sternum pain all the time which is exacerbated from my asthma, coughing, exercising, lifting. My bone sc...
Costochondritis pain is usually not present when breathing at a normal rate and depth but any deep breathing, coughing or sneezing and certain movements of the trunk and upper limbs will elicit pain. Costochondritis is often described asbreast bone pain, where the pain is felt towards the side ...
Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a disease of the digestive system. It occurs when the esophageal sphincter is not capable of properly closing, causing gastric acid to come up and cause damage to the esophagus.Answer and Explanation: Acid reflux is incapable of causing pain to occur in the ...
Heart Hugger is excellent for relieving patient pain, particularly when coughing, sneezing, or doing other activities requiring excess movement. The physical support helps stabilize the wound for physical pain relief instantly. But Heart Hugger provides so much more than physical support. ...
We reviewed a case of a 51-year-old female who had a 6-year history of left hip pain impairing her gait. This was caused by a loss of the diaphyseal femur; after 6 years, a check-up showed a large thyroid tumour with tracheal effects (a needle biopsy suggested follicular thyroid ...