But, just recently in the middle of the night I experienced strange and scary shortness of breath. I woke up, drunk a glass of water and I was good. In the morning I also felt this strong pain behind my sternum. Are these symptoms worrying to you? What should I do? I'm feeling ...
You should be concerned if you have pain behind sternum and should call 911 or go to emergency right away, if it is accompanied by heart attack symptoms such as pressure, pain and tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, irregular heartbeat, feeling like passing out,...
hi i had my gallbladder out last june and i am continuously burping,constant diarrhea and on and off pain and swollen feeling in the top left side on the sternum and also get palpitations and shortness of breath is this due to having gallbladder removed ...
Tietze's syndrome is one cause of chest pain; costosternal ache may often be confused with a heart attack. Chest pain is commonly caused by a sprain of the joint between the rib and the sternum or breastbone. It is usually associated with discomfort along the course of the rib, and in...
Stress and Anxiety Although there is no confirmed link between anxiety or stress and costochondritis, these emotional states may be to blame for other underlying causes of chest pain. People who have panic disorder often report shortness of breath and chest pain as symptoms. Relaxation techniques ...
Lower sternum pain Sternum pain causes and diagnosis View more Fractured Sternum Causes of Chest Pain and Shortness of Breath Injury Of The Sternum Why Does The Breastbone (Sternum) "Crack"? Dangers of Sternum Fracture (Breast Bone) What Causes You To Throw Up Phlegm? View more...
I don't have any shortness of breath though. The only treatment i am currently getting is for low b12 and low folic acid. As far as i'm aware this isn't connected. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated before i manage to get another appointment at the doctors. Thanks...