1.(Anatomy) (in man) a long flat vertical bone, situated in front of the thorax, to which are attached the collarbone and the first seven pairs of ribs. Nontechnical name:breastbone 2.(Zoology) the corresponding part in many other vertebrates ...
Anatomy The word sternum originates from the ancient Greek word ‘sternon’, meaning chest. The sternum is also known as the breastbone. It is a flat bone that articulates with the clavicle and the costal cartilages of the upper 7 ribs (true ribs), while the 8th, 9th and 10th ribs ...
Learn the details of sternum anatomy. Understand how the xiphoid process works and see where the jugular notch is located. Examine all parts of the...
Anatomy,Zoology.a bone or series of bones extending along the middle line of the ventral portion of the body of most vertebrates, consisting in humans of a flat, narrow bone connected with the clavicles and the true ribs; breastbone. ...
(anatomy) The bone, cartilage, or series of bony or cartilaginous segments in the median line of the anteroventral part of the body of vertebrates above fishes, connecting with the ribs or pectoral girdle. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The...
单词sternum 释义sternum n (pl ~s or sterna ) (anatomy 解) = breastbone (breast).
The anatomy of the sternum and that of the sternoclavicular joints is best demonstrated by CT [3–6], however, which provides superior images because of better contrast resolution, elimination of superimposed structures, and cross-sectional image display (Figs. 2–4) [3]. Sign in to download...
Anatomy of the sternum and humerus in the domestic chicken (Gallus domesticus)backyard chickensegg productionkeel bone damagepoultry welfareInjuries of the sternum and humerus are an important welfare concern in domestic chickens (Gallus domesticus), especially laying hens. Published anatomic references ...
7、sternumcancer 胸骨癌 8、sternumpain 胸骨痛 9、sternumtattoo 胸骨纹身 10、carinatesternum隆突胸骨 11、sternumlocation 胸骨位置 12、deformity of thesternum胸骨畸形 13、sternumanatomy 胸骨解剖学 14、sternumdefinition 胸骨定义 15、sternumbody 胸骨体 ...
8.(anatomy) not connected to the sternum or breastbone.(解剖学)没有与胸骨相连。 9.The broad upper division of the sternum with which the clavicle and first two ribs articulate.胸骨柄胸骨上部的宽大部分,锁骨和前两根肋骨借其以活动 10.The part of the body between the neck and the abdomen,...