18. This Slide Pendant is Solid Sterling Silver Rhodium Plated and Hand Inlaid with Synthetic Blue Opal and accented with small Cubic Zirconia Stones. 这张幻灯片是实心纯银吊坠镀铑的合成和手镶嵌蓝色蛋白石和重音与立方氧化锆石小。 19. Slides Pendant, Initials Pendent, Heart-Pendant, Gemstone Pandant...
The difference between sterling silver jewelry and pure silver is that pure silver isn’t just made up of silver. Silver can contain a mixture of other metals and contains 99.9% of silver. However,sterling silver has a 92.5%silver mixture, which is why it’s referred to as 925 Sterling si...
F.B.R. has always been made in the U.S.A. never in China (these are cheap knockoffs, sometimes sold at not-so-cheap prices.) and to tell if you have silver plate or sterling, look for the stamp saying "silver plate" (meaning silver plating over another metal such as copper...
Fine Jewelry set with premium lab-created diamond simulants in gold and sterling silver. Ideal for engagement rings, wedding rings, rings, earrings, bracelets and necklaces. We offer a bespoke service to customise your jewelry. Jewelry repairs and modifi
Q.Sterling silver vs. silver plated. I'm Edith Lazaro of Philippines, I am interested in collecting silverware I want to know what are the difference between the two,and a friend of mine told me to buy a silver plated because its cheaper, is it true?