Sterling Ball and John Ferraro went to school together starting in Junior High; in high school, they started playing music together. After high school, Sterling joined a very small Ernie Ball company and John went on to College at Long Beach State where he met Jim Cox. John joined Layy Ca...
说在最后:MusicMan是Ernie Ball公司的品牌 MusicMan 贝斯 基本型号:(3个美产的旗舰型号)1、StingRay...
超靓新品Sterling Majesty X 6弦7弦来袭! 说起ErnieBall Music Man最畅销的琴款,那无疑是我们的JohnPetrucci的签名款JP系列。然而作为这个世界上最大牌的吉他手之一,MusicMan在2014年为其打造了又一款签名系...
MusicMan是Ernie Ball公司的品牌。旗下贝斯基本型号有StingRay、Sterling和Bongo。StingRay是MusicMan的旗舰型号,传统音色,琴颈宽厚,21品,琴身较大,护板为正椭圆形,手感类似Fender的P贝斯,有4/5弦版本。Sterling音色多变,琴颈窄薄,22品,琴身较小,护板接近水滴形,旋钮直接在琴体上,旁边有档位...
说在最后:MusicMan是Ernie Ball公司的品牌 MusicMan 贝斯 基本型号:(3个美产的旗舰型号)1、StingRay...
Ü 简介: 美国Ernie Ball公司旗下品牌ErnieBall,MusicMan,Sterling By MusicMan官方微博 更多a 2037关注 35573粉丝 2160微博 微关系 他的关注(2037) LieToTheSilence杭州 SEVEN-GUITAR 元乐器爱音乐 Dean-Guitar 他的粉丝(3.6万) 我哋聽BEYOND 月月克朋克 醒山-浮夸司 煎蛋吐司NN 查看更多 a...
StringsErnie Ball 2852 Regular Slinky Short Scale Bass Gig BagN/A WANT AN ALL-ACCESS PASS? Subscribe to the Sterling by Music Man newsletter to be the first to know about new products, giveaways, content series, and more. SUBSCRIBE
9 lbs. 10 oz.Ernie Ball Sterling bass. Ball Family Reserve. Plays and sounds as it should. Pretty excellent condition. Comes with COA and OHSC. F21055
Switching3-way Toggle Pickup Selector PickupsHH StringsErnie Ball 2221 Regular Slinky Gig BagN/A WANT AN ALL-ACCESS PASS? Subscribe to the Sterling by Music Man newsletter to be the first to know about new products, giveaways, content series, and more. SUBSCRIBE...
The new line-up stars premium features at a rather affordable price point. Image: Ernie Ball Music Man ByTamzin Kraftman March 20, 2022 Want moreGuitar.combreaking news as it happens?Follow us on Telegram. Featured in this article Sterling by Music Manhas announced its new 2022 lineup, con...