International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology PhysicsDu S, Lockamy V, Zhou L, Xue C, LeBlanc J, Glenn S, Shukla G, Yu Y, Dicker AP, Leeper DB, et al. Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Delivery in a Genetically Engineered Mouse Model of Lung Cancer. International Journal...
Optimal beam arrangement for stereotactic body radiation therapy delivery in lung tumors. Acta Oncologica . 2010; 49 (2):219–224.Lim D, Yi B, Mirmiran A, Dhople A, Suntharalingam M, D'Souza W. Optimal beam arrangement for stereotactic body radiation therapy delivery in lung tumors. Acta...
Learn about Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT), also known as SABR, and how AlignRT can ensure accurate and comfortable treatment delivery.
In the performance of stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT), one must take into consideration not only the biology of the cancer being treated, but the physics and dosimetry behind delivery of the radiation dose. In a sense, investigation of the clinical application has begun before the basic ...
Advances in high precision radiation planning and delivery,image guidance technologies and methods to account for and reduce organ motion have made it possible for cranial stereotactic radiosurgery techniques to be applied to tumors outside of the brain. Stereotactic body radiation therapy(SBRT) refers ...
Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) delivers fewer high-dose fractions of radiation which may be radiobiologically favorable to conventional low-dose fractions commonly used for prostate cancer radiotherapy. We report our early experience using SBRT for localized prostate cancer. Methods Patients tre...
Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Stereotactic body radiation therapy(SBRT) is a more modern technique that involves the delivery of higher doses of RT within a shorter period of time. SBRT requires a substantial conformal RT dose distribution around the PTV and a very rapid fall-off of the RT...
Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for is an emerging therapeutic option aimed at delivering high biologically effective doses to while sparing the adjacent normal tissues. This technique has emerged following advances in radiation delivery that include sophisticated radiation treatment planning software, ...
Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) enables delivery of high doses of radiation to a tumor while limiting the dose received by critical surrounding organs. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of SBRT for primary and recurrent GI malignancies. METHOD AND ...
radiationtherapy;lung;metastases;prognosis Background Metastaticlungcancerisoneofthemostcommononcologicproblems.Thisstudyaimedtoevaluatethe long-termclinicaloutcomeofstereotacticbodyradiationtherapy(SBRT)formetastaticlungtumors. Methods Weretrospectivelyreviewedthe71patientswithlungmetastases.whohad172lesionstreatedwithSBRT...