Designed in Germany and made in China, this relatively affordable but versatile integrated combines a tubed input stage with an output stage biased to deliver the first 10W of the maximum 8 ohm power of 180W in class-A. The single AEG 85A2 tube that peers out from the faceplate window is...
“There’s a palpable yet paradoxically intangible truth to the sound of the Octave MRE 220 SE mono tube amplifiers that makes them an easy, solid recommendation to music lovers of all stripes.” In the test lab, with KT150 tubes, the Power set to High, and the Super Black Box, the a...
Stereophile covers everything high-end and audiophile audio. Turntables and music servers, to solid-state and tube amplifiers and preamps, to loudspeakers.
《Stereophile》2019音响器材推荐:加拿大Simaudio两款产品榜上有名 知名音响杂志《Stereophile》的“Recommended Components”是音响界含金量极高的评价,被很多音响厂商和发烧友所认可。该奖项评选内容包括唱机、CD机、数字处理器、环绕声器材等。2019上半年,“Recommended Components: 2019 Edition”已经揭晓,加拿大 Simaudio 78...
Stereophile covers everything high-end and audiophile audio. Turntables and music servers, to solid-state and tube amplifiers and preamps, to loudspeakers.
with replacement suggested after 5000–8000 hours. The battery is claimed to last five to 10 years, though replacing it after five years is recommended for the best sound quality. Following the failure of the first two samples of the P1 and the first sample of the V1 on the test bench,...
with replacement suggested after 5000–8000 hours. The battery is claimed to last five to 10 years, though replacing it after five years is recommended for the best sound quality. Following the failure of the first two samples of the P1 and the first sample of the V1 on the test bench,...
Class ratings are based on performance, but different reviewers value different aspects of performance, so it's best not to expect thematic or methodological consistency. You'll find high-tech amplifiers with vanishingly low noise and distortion listed alongside old-school tube amps; what they share...
Art Dudley ListeningTube Preamp Reviews Listening #209: Luxman CL-1000 preamplifier Art Dudley|Apr 21, 2020| It may come as no surprise that the two Recommended Components issues we publish every year, in April and October, areStereophile's most popular. Both go hand-in-hand with increases ...
Single-ended triode amplifiers (SETs) have a considerable following, but even their most devoted fans admit that its maximum power output is not among an SET's strengths. You'd be lucky to get an SET that puts out 7Wpc, and some (like those using the 45 tube) are closer to 2Wpc. ...