网络逐步回归模型 网络释义 1. 逐步回归模型 逐步自回归模型,gradually... ... ) gradually autoregressive model 逐步自回归模型 )stepwise regression model逐步回归模型...|基于 1 个网页 例句
the results of stepwise regression are often used incorrectly without adjusting them for the occurrence of model selection. Especially the practice of fitting the final selected model as if no model selection had taken place
Stepwise Regression Model in Predicting Excessive Mandibular GrowthC. PRETTYMAN
the results of stepwise regression are often used incorrectly without adjusting them for the occurrence of model selection. Especially the practice of fitting the final selected model as if no model selection had taken place and reporting of estimates and confidence intervals as if least-squares theor...
必应词典为您提供Backward-Stepwise-Regression-Model的释义,网络释义: 逐步向后回归模型;的逐步向后回归模型;
regression n. 1.回归,复原 2.逆行,退步 cross regression 截面回归 auto regression 自回归 autoregressive model 自回归模型(应用于大气科学、气候学) 自回归模型是利用前期若干时刻的随机变量的线性组合来描述以后某时刻随机变量的线性回归模型。最新单词 unconditioned grain是什么意思 未经匀湿处理的谷物 uncond...
回归分析可以分为线性回归(linear regression)和非线性回归(nonlinear regression)。其中线性回归包括一元线性回归、多元线性回归。线性回归中比较特殊的回归分析有对数线性回归(Log-linear model)——是将自变量和因变量都取对数值之后再进行线性回归。非线性回归则包括逻辑回归(Logistic Regression)、偏回归(Partial Regressio...
1) stepwise regression model 逐步回归模型1. A stepwise regression model was used for finding the relationship between lake water quality and urban land use types,and rural residential,urban residential,commercial land and bottomland were determined as the main sources of non-point source pollution(...
Stepwise regression is the step-by-step iterative construction of aregressionmodel that involves the selection of independent variables to be used in a final model. It involves adding or removing potential explanatory variables in succession and testing for statistical significance after each iteration. ...