A launch event is an excellent way to showcase your latest product, build hype around it, and even acquire some sales right at the event. The more you can get people talking about the product, both at the event and via social media, the better it’s going to do. Here are a few ti...
This post walks through a number of key steps to consider throughout your product launch journey to set the stage for success and help you achieve long-term growth. What is a product launch? A product launch is the process of introducing a new offering to customers so they can purchase it...
Offering a new product or service can better meet the needs of your current customers and attract new ones to your business. But it’s crucial to do your research and determine whether there’s actually a demand for what you’re offering. Here are five steps you’ll take to get started....
Any SaaS product launch can be categorized into two kinds:: beta product launch and final product launch. We’re going to focus on the beta launch in detail as it is one of the crucial phases of your product development journey, and it is also at this phase that you take your product ...
Step #1: Describe your product Since we’re talking about a presentation for your upcoming product launch, it only makes sense that we begin with an overview of your product. After all - as we said earlier - this is about something that's new to the market, so you need to describe thi...
Product launch FAQ Start your online business today. For free.Start free trial Launching a new product is no small feat—after all, 40% of them don’t make it past the two-year mark. There are so many moving parts that make the journey from concept to market seem daunting, especially ...
It allows for regular checkpoints where you can evaluate your progress against the plan and make adjustments as needed before it’s too late (e.g., before launch). You don’t want to announce a new product or feature without a plan and the right resources in place. A good go-to-marke...
For example, bag shopBAGGUsells a large selection of different types of bags, in addition to home goods and other accessories. Its business plan would list out those categories and key details about the products within each category. Describe new products you’ll launch in the near future and...
Before you launch, take the time to make a high-resolution banner and avatar for your shop. A customer’s first impression goes a long way! Make sure it’s a good one. Your shop banner and avatar don’t have to be fancy – but they must be clean and clear. Frankly, Etsy offers ...
As well as building a buzz around your product launch, you need to create added value. Give people a reason to pre-order and not wait until the official release date. This could take the form of a freebie with the pre-order or perhaps a discount for later on. Bring your CRM into the...