My grandma used to say that all work and no play makes for a dull girl. That was such good advice to follow especially when I was working hard to achieve a particular goal. It’s hard for anybody to stay motivated when we get burned out and tired. That’s why it’s so important t...
Sell it yourself privately for cash. Search your make and model online for price and availability onprivate-party salesitessuch as eBay and Craigslist. Sell to a used-car dealer such as CarMax orCarvana. Ask for its guaranteed cash price and compare it with what you’ve found online. ...
and I either repaired it myself or my insurance would get really expensive. Every little bad thing that came up, made life harder. But I discovered that I couldn’t just sell the car and forget about the finance – the interest and...
Even sell some of your stuff that you don’t use anymore (e.g. on Gumtree, Amazon, eBay or Craigslist) and pick up extra work if you really need to. Cut back on that coffee, booze, going out and spending on useless stuff that you don’t need with money you don’t have to ...
But sometimes this just isn’t an option. If the complaint is too severe, or if the individual in question is past the point of winning over, ask for an email address or phone number and smooth things over privately. This definitelydoes notmean that you should try to remove complaints fro...
Doraemon is a Japenese Manga TV show about a robotic cat (named Doraemon) from the future. He comes back from the future to help a boy named Nobita. Today we will show you how to draw Doraemon with easy to follow illustrated steps....
A few years ago I felt led to start fasting along with my prayer. I remember reading that verse in the gospel of Mark where the disciples privately ask Jesus why they could not cast out the demon from the little boy with an unclean spirit. He says,“This kind cannot be driven out by...