1)This is for entertainment purposes only. Really. This decreases the security of your door by adding another way to unlock it, and it makes your unlock code known to anyone who can hear. If you put this on your door, be sure to carry your key too. The batteries might die, the suct...
“High frequency trading reminds me a little of the scam inOffice Space. You know, you take just a little bit of money from every trade in the hope that no one will complain. But taking a little bit of money from zillions of trades adds up to billions of dollars in profits for t...
For rough cutting material, if needed, and positioning material to cut, note the actual extent of the area to be cut, which depends on the material thickness and other options, and add some allowance for imperfect alignment of material in the laser cutter. ※Some options require a larger are...
From what I’ve read, the key is both getting to the right core temperature and having a declining temperature gradient as one goes down to the feet. The reason people take hot baths an hour before bed is to stimulate peripheral circulation. Then, once down, that helps to cool things off...
This SkunkWorks Project (pun very much intended), was a nice way for me to have some fun when not working on top secret client work, and also share the steps of prototyping and sketch modelling that might help students, young professionals - and indeed, parents like myself who want to ma...
Hangover Cures: There's a few remedies for when you've been drinking heavily. Some are common sense, but there's a little science behind how to recover from your hangover and a few cures that are debunked. You probably already know that the real cure to
better leave some cm or an inch of clearance when you place the main mike, so you have space to move the other one closer if phase interference makes you need to. You can iteratively move both closer when you got the hang of that phasing. With closeness to one speaker, you also minimi...
Arduino Powered Autonomous Vehicle: A few months back I started playing around with Arduino micro controllers as a learning exercise (and for fun); this project is the culmination of that. The goal of the project was to create a vehicle that can autonomo
Secret Door Bookcase: Who doesn't want a secret door bookcase? We have a space in our living room that I've been planning to conceal with just such a door for 10 years, but I've kept putting it off because doing something like this has to be done well. I
Getting back to locks, I've found, I can re key the old car locks once I can turn the cylinder. I have re-keying kits for old autos and S--g. When my friend picked the lock for me, I was able to re-key it. So far, I haven't had to cut any keys. I've collected old ...