If you are sick of debt collectors, write it down. Mad that you never get any time with your kids? Write it down. Tired of being tired because anxiety and stress keep you up at night? Put it on paper. Want to fire your boss? Yep, write that down too. These are your whys and ...
Renovations and Interior Design ($10,000 – $100,000):You will likely need to renovate and customize the space to reflect your brand and create an inviting atmosphere for customers, with costs varying based on the size of the space, the complexity of the upgrades, and the materials you’ll...
So you want to cycle round the world? Great idea! Here’s how: 1. Get a bicycle. It doesn’t matter too much which one, as long as it’s comfortable, but you won’t get far without it. 2. Quit your job. You’ll need a few years for a lap of the planet, so write to ...
Homeowners insuranceis required by mortgage lenders to protect their financial interest in your property until it’s paid off. It pays claims to repair your home after a covered event, such as a fire, hail, or windstorm. Plus, it covers a certain amount of your personal belongings, such as...
AchievedCoast FIREby saving and investing over $500,000 before 40 years old AND Transitioned away from full-time work (40-50 hours per week) topart-time work(20-30 hours week) That is just a short list of the things our family has done during the last 8 years. I honestly believe tha...
Culture and Entertainment –If this is important to you, where are the libraries, theaters, restaurants, and museums located and how far are they from the house you’re looking at purchasing? Proximity to Important Resources –How far will you be to hospitals, police stations, and fire station...
architecture. They are composed of seemingly stand-alone stories. At the end, however, it turns out that there is a unity among them, that each book isn’t a mere conglomerate, but an organic amalgam. For lack of a better term, I tend to describe the members of this cycle “mosaic...
This will also help you break out of the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle.Dave Ramsey is a big proponent of becoming “gazelle intense” from here on out. This means cutting every last little expense you can, living frugally on meals of rice and beans, and cutting cable and other entertainment ...
Test “caffeine naps” between 1-3 pm. Down an espresso and set your alarm for no more than 20 minutes, which prevents awakening in the middle of a restorative sleep cycle. Interrupting cycles often leaves you feeling worse than no sleep (though some researchers assert your perfo...
Next, automate your savings by setting up a direct deposit for a small amount from your paycheck to a savings account. If you don’t see the money in your checking account, you’re less likely to spend it. 2. Avoid Unnecessary Spending and Debt Stop buying things you don’t need, ...