It was also suggested that the presence of the polar glutamine residue that is close to a crucial phenylalanine (TM5) in Staphylococcus aureus MraY (SaMraY) was responsible for it becoming insensitive to michellamine B. However, this conclusion may require further evidence, as no mutant of ...
Aim to break the habit of negative thoughts by becoming aware of when you are falling prey to them and by challenging their logic. For example, just because you are nervous in a crowd or at a party does not mean you look awkward. Others around you may be getting a case of nerves, to...
Whatever it means to be a good child, it does not mean being perfect. It does involve qualities like compassion, understanding, self-discipline, and appreciation though.[1] Maybe one way to think of it is this: Good children put themselves on the path toward becoming happy, successful ...
Never pass up an opportunity to tell you stepchild that you love him or her. EXPERT TIP Moshe Ratson, MFT, PCC Marriage & Family Therapist Stepdads should communicate openly and support the kids. Stepdads need to balance their parenting with the biological parents' style. Open, honest commu...