There is lots of advice about what you can do to look after your own physical health: how to keep fit, how to treat a cold and how to deal with a fever, etc. Mental health is just as important, but do you know how to look after your mind? Read these tips to find out what ...
Major Steps for Mental Health; Respected Doctor Hails Progress on Establishing State and Federal Commissions
Languishing, mental health, mental resilience,self-care. These may be words and concepts that we were not familiar with in the past, but for so many, the last couple years have intensified feelings of stress, social isolation, and anxiety. Let’s think about what we personally do in order ...
Proper nutrition is an ally of your health and well-being, so be mindful of the “fuel” with which you supply your body. 2 Do not skip breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal – it can either make or break your day. 3 Eat healthy wholesome meals & snacksOne micro-step is t...
When it comes to protecting your mental health, you can take steps to adjust your daily routine to be a bit kinder to yourself. Here’s some of the advice some experts offered. 1 Stephanie Roth-Goldberg, a licensed clinical social worker, says this could mean allowing time to relax with...
At Well, we found new strategies to combat stress in our lives and build psychological resilience. Here were some of our top mental health stories of the year – packed with essential guidance to usher you into 2023. ...
The psychological health of young people has attracted growing attention from central departments in the past few years, as those aged 14 to 25 face an increasing risk of depression from peer pressure, relationships and other factors. According to a recent report by the Institute of Psychology of...
HappySteps is designed to help users manage their mental health and find happiness, step by step. With HappySteps, you can rate your happiness on a daily basi…
Exclusive Campaign India survey reveals that 71% of industry workers say their company has taken no steps to reduce stress, while 69% report no access to mental health services.
Disastrous events in the country and the region caused a 13.5% increase in the prevalence of mental and behavioral disorders in Serbia in the last few years, thus making them the second largest public health problem. Due to prolonged adversities, the health system has deteriorated and is facing...